Friday, June 13, 2008

With Sincere Apologies....

I don't think that there are many who are reading this, but for those who are, (hmmm..Aunt Patrice), I am so sorry that I have not posted in so long. I really am going to try to do better this time!

We have been doing great, just trying to keep up! I am going to summer school (I will finish in August) and that has been just lovely. Driving back and forth to Arkadelphia everyday in my gas-guzzling Yukon has been just lovely. I just keep telling myself that surely those gas prices will go down soon, right?? There is no way we could sell my car right now, I mean, what idiots would buy a Yukon during these horrible gas times??? Yeah, that would be my husband and I. I will say, however, that gas was actually only $3 a gallon when we bought it last May. Of course now it is $4 a gallon, but every time I get to complaining about it, I think of Aunt Cindy, in Michigan, where the prices are even higher!

We are looking forward to going to Mississippi the last weekend in June for the Johnson family reunion. I haven't been in probably 7 years due to working. When you are a waitress you do not get weekends off in the summer. But I have missed a lot. I talked to my Grandaddy a few days ago and he said that it has dwindled down to only a few. The last time I was there, there were so many people I could not keep up with them all! I guess that is the circle of life, my generation will have to start bringing lots of babies so that the reunion can stay alive! I guess that means it is up to me, Walt, and Jacob as of right now! Just kidding Aunt Patrice!! Haha!

We are also going to Navarre Beach, FL in July with my mom and dad. I CANNOT WAIT! The last time I was at the beach was a year ago when I married my sweetie and I didn't even get to relax on the beach! Well, I did at night time when everyone else was searching for crabs, but I wanted to relax in the sunshine!! So I am definitely looking forward to that. Plus - it will be Cole's very first Family Vacation. Let's hope we don't turn it into a re-run of National Lampoon's!!

I am adding some pictures of Cole - these are mostly 7 month pictures. He will be 8 months old next week!!!